The unique dental needs of seniors

Carole, 75, has lived in Highland most of her life. She moved to the community as a young wife because she thought it would be a great place to raise a family. She’s seen many changes in Highland, but one thing that hasn’t changed is the way neighbors take care of each other.

Carole came to see us because her neighbor Jenny insisted. Carole hadn’t been to the dentist in a number of years because her dental insurance ended when she retired. The AARP says Carole isn’t alone — Medicare and Medicaid don’t cover much, if any, dental care. But Carole and other retirees without dental insurance are at the age at which dental issues become more pressing and putting off care can cause bigger problems.

Friendly care in Highland’s back yard

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Jenny brought Carole to our office not far from her home when she noticed Carole seemed to be favoring one side of her mouth while chewing. Carole said she sometimes felt pain when eating, but she didn’t think it was a big deal. “Just old age,” she said.

Aging brings unique dental needs and we were able to determine that Carole’s problem was that she had inflamed gums because her arthritis made it difficult to brush certain areas. We suggested Carole use an electric toothbrush and take a little extra time with her dental care and she’s been fine ever since, bragging to anyone who will hear that she has all her own teeth.

Other tip dental care in aging people

Here are some other easy and effective dental hygiene practices people should consider as they age:

  • Use an antiseptic mouthwash at least once a day, this is a good way to kill germs in areas that you may not be brushing properly.

  • Floss regularly. This might be difficult with aging hands, but new devices are available in the drug store designed for people for whom flossing is difficult.

  • Drink tap water. It not only contains fluoride, but regular water intake is vital for good overall health.

  • Share concerns with others — like Carole did with Jenny — the issue often has a simple solution, as Carole found out.

  • Visit your dentist regularly. Though many seniors think it may be too costly, it may be too costly not to. When you visit your dentist, be sure to bring with you a list of any health conditions and medications you take on a regular basis. Remember, too, that many health issues — from heart disease diabetes — show up first in your mouth.