Milford doctor, dentists collaborate in cardiovascular health seminar

Dr. Alan Reisinger III is an expert on cardiovascular diseases and works to build collaboration between doctors and dentists.

Dr. Alan Reisinger III is an expert on cardiovascular diseases and works to build collaboration between doctors and dentists.

Not long ago, this blog featured this article about the link between heart health and gum disease. It’s an interesting topic and is the subject of increasing research.

What is known — and this is something that is true across the board with any health issue — is that the best way to address health issues is for all your healthcare providers to work in tandem. Recently the doctors at Huszti Dental Care were invited to participate in an educational event by another well-known Milford name, Dr. Jeff Herman.

CardioCollaboration was an MDVIP-sponsored training session that discussed the particular issue of cardiovascular provention that focused on the connection with oral health. The goal was to put doctors who, like Reisinger, are affiliated with MDVIP, an organization created in 2000 by primary care doctors who felt the healthcare system was losing its focus: the patient.

The speaker Dr. Alan Reisinger III has been a board-certified internal medicine specialist for more than 35 years and is MDVIP’s associate medical director. He has helped lead the clinical direction of MDVIP since 2008. His passion is in building enhanced communication among the medical and dental communities. He is a nationally known lecturer who speaks on the fight against cardiovascular disease.

Dr's Huszti MDVIP lecture, Novi

The one-day seminar discussed aggressive cardiovascular disease prevention and included oral healthcare providers in the Milford and Highland area like Drs. Huszti and Chong-Huszti.

Attendees learned about the inflammation at the core of cardiovascular disease and discussed case studies and treatment.

A working lunch and dinner helped build relationships between the healthcare providers and they left the event not only with deeper knowledge of the issue and some new and renewed colleagues in fighting cardiovascular disease.

“The CardioCollaboration event was great in that it brought together different disciplines all for one important cause — healthy patients,” said Dr. Bill Huszti. “It’s also special because Dr. Herman is from right here in Milford. It shows a commitment to better health outcomes to our neighbors and friends.”